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Friday, October 14, 2005 

Flaky Red Bean Balls - makes 8

Pastry mixture
175g of plain flour
125g of margarine
25g of castor sugar
1 tablespoon of skimmed milk powder
1 egg yolk
2 1/4 teaspoon of water
Pinch of salt

35g of sliced almonds, baked
250g of red bean paste

1 egg yolk
35g of shredded cheddar cheese

1. Rub margarine into flour.
2. Add remaining pastry ingredients and mix well to form dough.
3. Divide dough into eight equal portions.
4. Mix almonds into the red bean paste.
5. Divide the filling into eight equal portions, rolled into a ball.
6. With your hand, flatten each portion of the pastry dough and wrap one portion of filling into it.
7. Brush the top with egg yolk and sprinkle with some cheese.
8. Bake at 180 deg C for 20-25 minutes.

Helpful hints: One of the light recipes from Singapore General Hospital's cookbook "Where's the fat?"